
Bright Beach Fabric

Still doing occasional fabric designs which I upload to Spoonflower. Most recently I designed a pattern I called Bright Beach. I needed extra throw pillows to brighten up a beach condo that has dark brown furniture. (I dream of turquoise, but until then...) I had already made some pillow covers using the wonderful P. Kaufman fabric with an orange background, but alas it is no longer in production. So...I decided to design something that would coordinate and came up with this: Which is available on Spoonflower here . I used the Lightweight Cotton Twill and just love the fabric. Here's how the pillows turned out: They don't look as vibrant in the photo as they do in real life, but I was very pleased with the results.

Back to the Blog

After way too long, I decided it is time to reconnect with my blogging. I made a decision to "retire" from commissions and free-lance artwork and spend more time doing artwork that I want to do - on my own terms. (I'm weak and still get talked into doing a few commissions...) I spent 2 weeks cleaning out and reorganizing in my artroom/storage area. There is still much to do, but the improvement was phenomenal. I mixed up a DIY version of chalk paint to redo an old, beat up bookcase. I went to Spoonflower and realized that wallpaper is available. I also caught up on messages that were at least a year old. I purchased my design - Butterfly Meadow - in wallpaper and used it to line the back of the bookcase. What a HUGE improvement. The recipe that I used for the chalk paint worked great, required no priming and covered really well: 1 cup flat latex paint  2 Tbs plaster of Paris 2 Tbs water Mix the plaster of Paris and water into a smooth paste  & add t...

Tomorrow is the Last Day to Vote in the Fabric8 Design Contest

  Tomorrow is the last day to vote in the Fabric8 design contest sponsored by Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman. I am so excited my Butterflygarden collection has made it to the finals! If you don't mind taking the time to vote for my collection (or one of the others), you may go here to do so. Learning to do fabric repeats has been a steep learning curve for me, but I'm getting the hang of it. I guess my background in graphic arts is coming to the foreground as I have found I really, really enjoy doing surface design.
Here is the link to my profile for the Fabric8 Finalists in the contest sponsored by Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman. Voting will begin June 7th and I will post a link to the voting location here. I'm working, working, working to come up with the 7 additional fabric designs to compliment the Butterfly Garden entry. Tiring but very fun and addictive! Keep your fingers crossed and send me inspirational and encouraging thoughts, please! Best, Linda

Fabric Design - Trials & Tribulations

Butterfly Garden - fat quarter Wowee Zowee! I can't believe it. I have wanted to design fabric or try my hand at other surface designs (wallpaper, giftwrap, etc.) but, I have been struggling with seamless repeats for patterns. My original art education did not include computers and that has been a learn-on-the-fly experience for me. I have been aware of Spoonflower for about a year. They provide beautiful fabrics by fantastic independent designers and you can upload your own designs to be printed as well. The site includes designing tools and lots of friendly online and other assistance. Spoonflower sponsors weekly design contests and I thought that I would enter one about a year ago. (I have found that competitions are good for my productivity. The deadlines and parameters help me stay on track despite my natural ADD tendencies to fly off in a million directions.) Well, after numerous attempts to create a design and have it duplicate without looking like it was a creatio...
Yea!!! I was thrilled to receive word today that I've been juried into the Art & Conservation 2013 Our Hidden Treasures event. Through a lottery I have been assigned to a ranch in Comfort, TX where I will visit 2 - 3 times over the next 12 months for reference material in creating artwork for the 2013 event. I am really looking forward to participating in this. I love nature - and of course, art - and the combination of the two helps preserve what is so difficult to preserve. I used my "Beauty Beneath" colored pencil painting which is based on the cypress trees from Camp Verde to apply for inclusion.
Fun with zentangle-inspired images continues. I created this little 4.5x6.5 piece with colored ink. I can't resist experimenting with new materials and ideas. I completed a larger colored pencil piece yesterday that is unusable. I will post it as a "learn from your mistakes" item later. Have a blessed Sunday! All the best - Linda